Illinois Might Pass Three New Employment Laws

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The Illinois legislature is busy debating several employment laws. Recently, the Illinois House and Senate passed the Illinois Employment First Act, which provides greater job opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Currently, state agencies help people with disabilities find jobs. The Act would require those agencies to first look for jobs that offer competitive wages and also find jobs where disabled individuals can work with non-disabled individuals. A task force will collect job data for disabled individuals to help provide better jobs with better wages.

The Illinois legislature is also considering a bill that would offer great protection for the homeless. Titled the “Homeless Bill of Rights,” the law would prevent an employer from discriminating against an individual due to their housing status, or due to the lack of a permanent mailing address. The law would also provide greater protections for medical care, privacy, access to public spaces, and the right to vote.

Finally, the Illinois legislature is debating the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights Act. The Act would require households to pay minimum wage, and give at least one day off a week, to nannies, house cleaners, and care givers. The workers would also receive written contracts and paid time off.
